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In PEPS Groups, we hear a lot about how a new parent's relationship with their own parents changes when they have a baby. In fact, we hear about it so much we added a resource section on our website just for new and expectant Grandparents.

Guiding Grandchildren to Positive Social Behavior

Tips from Jan Faull, M.Ed. on how grandparents can guide children to positive behavior.

Adore the Adult Who is Raising Your Grandchild

A mom approached me, frustrated with her own mom, who frequently questions her approach to parenting: The young mother consequently prefers not to be around her mother. Why  would she, when she only feels criticized, questioned, challenged and judged by her?

My Kids Joined the Parents Union

PEPS grandparent Bernie Busch shares his many lessons and pearls of wisdom on being a parent and grandparent. Bernie loves being a granddad and participating in life with his grandchildren. One of his biggest joys however, is to step back and simply observe the wonderful families he and his wife have brought forth.

Keep Grandparenting a Frosting of Love

by Jan Faull, M.Ed

Parents need the support of grandparents to bolster them through the ups and downs of parenting. Children need grandparents to provide an additional element of unconditional love. And grandparents themselves enjoy a whole new dimension in their lives that only grandchildren can provide.

Grandma Buys Too Much

by Jan Faull, M.Ed

Jan Faull, M.Ed gives advice to a mom overwhelmed by all the stuff given to her toddler by her mother-in-law's need to shop.

Inviting Grandpa and Grandma In

by Jan Faull, M.Ed

With some parents and grandparents, familial involvement occurs with ease and grace; they just know how to establish respectful emotional and physical boundaries. With others, stumbling blocks occur.

Managing Natural Tensions Between Parents and Grandparents

by Jan Faull, M.Ed

Some parents and grandparents just naturally discuss different approaches to parenting from the grandparents’ generation to this one without feeling threatened, put on the spot or criticized. Other grandparents and parents must work at it.

Grandpa’s Role: The Same, or Different from Gramma’s?

by Terrill Chang

The role of both grandparents is to love and nurture their grandchild. But the activities through which they provide that love and nurture can be quite different.

The Differences Between Paternal and Maternal Grandmothers

by Jan Faull, M.Ed

Is it a myth that paternal grandmothers yield to maternal grandmothers? Do you agree with this “rule”? Has it proven true in your life as a maternal grandmother? Has it proven true for those of you who are paternal grandmothers?

Gifts to Grandchildren

Many grandparents want to leave a gift to their grandchildren. Before establishing a trust or making other gifts, Grandparents should make certain they have sufficient assets to pay for their own needs during their lifetime. If they are ready to use their estate to provide for their grandchildren, there are good options available.

Bonding with Grandparents

If you've ever turned to your parents or your partner's parents for help and support with child-rearing, you know how wonderful grandparents can be. Although physical distance and parenting differences can come between grandparents, their children, and their grandchildren, encouraging a close relationship can benefit everyone involved. Read about how establishing a bond with grandparents can benefit kids in many ways.

Grandparent Stories

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