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Resources & Events


Find articles and resources on local activities, baby wellness, development, childcare and more from our local community.

Find articles and resources on local activities, baby wellness, development, childcare and more from our local community.

Community Events


PEPS Community Events are for parents to continue to learn and share with others.

PEPS Stories

Since 1983, thousands of parents have become PEPS parents. Many participants have shared their stories. Please enjoy just a few of our many heartwarming PEPS stories.

Read heartwarming PEPS stories

Highs & Lows Blog

PEPS Highs and Lows blog has tons of personal essays from PEPS parents and local experts on a wide variety of parenting topics.

PEPS Highs and Lows blog has tons of personal essays from PEPS parents and local experts on a wide variety of parenting topics.

Keep Your Group Together

We encourage you to stay connected to each other! 91% of participants plan to stay in contact with other members of their PEPS Group after the group ends. Here are some ways to keep your group connected.

We encourage you to stay connected to each other! Here are some ways.

Recommend PEPS

PEPS connects new and expecting parents through peer-support groups to strengthen families and build community.

Recommend PEPS to new and expecting parents

Get the Word Out

Here are some quick and easy ways to recommend PEPS!

Here are some quick and easy ways to recommend PEPS!

Offers & Opportunities

The following community minded businesses and organizations generously support PEPS and they also support you on your parenting journey with these special offers and information about their services.

These community minded businesses and organizations generously support PEPS and they also support you on your parenting journey with these special offers and information about their services.

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