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About PEPS

About PEPS


PEPS connects parents to strengthen families and build community.


  • Resilient Families
  • Connected Communities
  • Equitable Outcomes

Welcome to PEPS.

Since 1983, PEPS, a 501(C)(3) nonprofit organization has helped parents connect and grow as they begin their journey into parenthood. PEPS parent support programs educate, inform and create community.

We've become a vital resource for new parents in the Puget Sound region, with parent groups serving thousands of families annually.

To read about the impact of PEPS, check out our 2023 Annual Report.

PEPS Values

EQUITY We strive for better access and outcomes for every family, centering those most impacted by disparities.

INNOVATION We are bold, curious, and creative in seeking new ways to deepen impact.

INCLUSION We welcome all parents, honoring their experiences, identities, and voices through a culture of belonging and acceptance.

COMMUNITY We believe that human connection is at the heart of meaningful parent support. Through shared experience, parents know they are not alone.

AUTHENTICITY We show up and speak up with humility, vulnerability and strength. We create space for parents to do the same.

PEPS Equity Statement: We believe that all new families should have access to a healthy, supported start in life. As long as race and ethnicity continue to predict the future life chances of children in our state, we are committed to working with families, partner organizations, and communities to identify barriers to parent support and wellness, interrupt their negative impact and eliminate the persistent disparities in child outcomes.

PEPS at a Glance

In 2023, 3589 parents were served across 320 groups for peer support and social connection

Peer Support. At PEPS, parents learn from each other. Core Topics. Feeding, Sleeping, Self-Care, Work & Family, Temperament, Early Learning, Routine PEPS is about parenting and the important ways we connect and support our babies and children.
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PEPS focuses on the 5 protective factors of family wellness and principles of infant mental wellness Parent Education. Family & Development Curriculum PEPS is fun and meaningful. Exchanging stories, laughing and learning with other new parents
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Trained Leaders create a comfortable, informal, welcoming space that builds trust Getting out of the house. Having a new baby can be very isolating. PEPS helps to reduce isolation Communities. PEPS is often the first parent community you will be part of.
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Financial Assistance is available PEPS Partner Groups for twins/multiples, LGBTQ+, Jewish families, foster families, and more. PEPS was founded 35 years ago in north Seattle

Data Collection Privacy Policy

Why does PEPS collect demographic data? We know that diversity makes our community stronger, and we are committed to increasing the diversity of the PEPS community. PEPS asks for and regularly reviews demographic information as a way to help us evaluate disparities in our program outcomes and better serve parents throughout our region.

How is this data used? We will use this data in internal program evaluations only. We may report publicly on PEPS work, including who is part of the community, but your data would only be included in aggregate and in an anonymous way.

We adapted this language from the data collection statement used by the Nonprofit Technology Enterprise Network (NTEN), and we thank them for their work in diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Annual Reports

Community & Connection

PEPS helps parents anticipate challenges, along with providing support and resources. At the conclusion of their groups, PEPS parents say they feel more connected, confident, competent, knowledgeable and supported. Learn more about the impact of PEPS.

"At PEPS, it’s okay to ask any and all 'Is this normal??!!' questions’ – PEPS Group participant

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