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Leading A Group

Be a PEPS Group Leader

PEPS Group Leaders create a welcoming space for new parents to share, connect, and support one another.

PEPS facilitators are compassionate, empathetic, resourceful and real. They don't have all the answers, but they are passionate about helping parents generate ideas, find information and build neighborhood communities.

Leading a PEPS Group can be a way to give back , especially if you enjoyed your PEPS experience, though it's not a requirement to be a past participant. Many share that they find great joy and satisfaction in helping parents connect and find support through their PEPS Group.

We Always Need Leaders

Group Leaders facilitated 320 Groups in 2023, serving 3,589 families in King and Snohomish Counties. Demand from parents continues to grow, and so does our need for Leaders.



We appreciate warm, sensitive communicators who are accepting of varied child-rearing practices and diverse lifestyles. Interest in early childhood development, experience in education or facilitation, previous PEPS Group participation, or experience as a parent are welcome pluses.

Leaders must attend a 4-hour training or 2-hour refresher.


Time Commitment

Leaders commit to leading a group for 9 - 12 consecutive weeks, depending on the program, and fewer if they choose to co-lead with a friend, spouse, or partner. On average, Leaders dedicate 3-4 hours a week, including preparation, meeting time, and communication with PEPS and participants. 

PEPS Groups are offered online, in person at selected community sites, or in hybrid groups that meet in homes and virtually. 

PEPS has daytime and evening options, most days of the week, in a large range of areas.



This is a wonderful way to divide the time commitment and double the resources for group participants. Co-leaders typically attend the first and last weeks together and alternate meetings in between. Co-leaders may also swap childcare during meeting time.

Co-leaders are most successful when they are acquainted with one another, but we can help you find a match as well. Ask a friend, colleague or someone who hasn't been part of a PEPS Group. Parents, in evening groups especially, appreciate hearing from men and women.


Group Leader Training

PEPS now uses an online training system!

Group Leaders are expected to go through self-paced training on our online portal, Vairkko. After being assigned to a group, Leaders will receive access to several training modules to be completed sequentially.

The first module includes a background check form and a Leader Commitment Statement that is to be signed by all Leaders. Modules 1 through 4 contain videos that must be viewed in their entirety, followed by a short quiz meant to help summarize the important concepts from the corresponding module. Leaders should plan to complete these modules before their assigned date for the fifth instructor-led training module. They can reach out to the assigned Training Instructor for any help needed during the process. If done in one stretch, the training modules can be completed in approx. 2 to 2.5 hours.

Note:  Please be sure to sign in to VAIRKKO as soon as possible when you receive the invitation. If there are any issues signing in or accessing the training modules, knowing sooner than later will help ensure there is plenty of time to troubleshoot the problem and complete the modules before the Instructor-led training on Zoom.

After completing the self-paced modules on Vairkko, Group Leaders will join a 2-hour instructor-led module and facilitation practice on Zoom with other Leader trainees. The group assignment email will contain their chosen Facilitation Practice/Training date. Details for the Zoom training meeting will be provided in a separate email from the specific instructor for their training date.

For any questions regarding training, please contact the PEPS Leader Recruiter and Support Specialist, .


Group Leader Engagement

Leaders will receive a monthly Group Leader newsletter with resources, information on upcoming events, and Advanced Facilitation Training opportunities for Leaders.

Leader Coffee & Chat sessions provide an opportunity for leaders to connect with others from their region and engage with Program staff. Find the latest schedule on the PEPS Group Leaders Facebook page.


Leader Manual

Each leader receives a handbook that provides detailed information and the tools needed to plan weekly meetings, guide discussions, and support families.



We request that volunteers facilitate meetings without their own children present to give their full attention to the participants. Other options include swapping dates with Co-leaders or finding childcare coverage at home or with friends and neighbors.


Planned and Unplanned Absences

With advance notice, PEPS may be able to find a substitute for a meeting. Or, you may suggest your group meets on their own for one week and then extend the session to a 13th week that the Leader can attend.


Support and Mentorship

PEPS Program staff are available throughout your group to answer questions, provide suggestions, and help you navigate sensitive situations. We can also connect you with an experienced Leader mentor and a discussion forum to ask questions and share ideas with other leaders.


Other Requirements

We require all Group Leaders to be current with the Tdap and COVID-19 vaccine boosters. Getting fully vaccinated at least two weeks before coming into close contact with an infant is advised.

Group Leaders must also have a Washington State background check before working with parents and children.

Reliable access to the internet and email are necessary, and Leaders are required to find their own transportation to trainings and meetings.


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