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Sneaky Sodium is Hard on the Heart

“When I ask patients and families about sodium intake, they often say that they don’t eat too much sodium because they don’t add salt from the salt shaker to the foods they eat,” said Kirsten Thompson, a dietitian in Seattle Children’s Pediatric Hypertension program. Read more about healthy amounts of sodium for kids.

Up and Away: Storing Medicines Safely

Acetaminophen is found in many medicines, and many parents end up calling poison centers or going to the ER to address preventable poisonings. Seattle Children's shares great tips for storing medicines and vitamins safely.

Mindful Eating for Families

Dr. Liu explains mindful eating and gives tips for how to create a positive environment in which to enjoy food to fuel our bodies.

Food Allergies and Kids

by Dr. Richard Keeler, Allegro Pediatrics

In 2000, in part due to the increasing rate of food allergy, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommended delaying the introduction of common food allergens. Subsequent studies showed that delaying the introduction of these foods actually increased the risk of food allergy.

Infant Mental Health

by Erin B. Bernau, MSW, LICSW

In recent years, we have come to see an exponential growth in brain science which has revealed the complex inner world of the infant’s brain. Infants are, in fact, working hard to absorb and make sense of the world around them. Their brains are developing rapidly.

Doctor Advice on Common Concern

by Benjamin Green, MD

Well, the topic that comes up so often with little ones, is “When should I be concerned in the middle of the night?” The answer is somewhere between “Never” and “Always”. As a doctor that specialized in after-hours house calls to kids’ homes, often in the middle of the night, the good news is that for most common concerns, a little reassurance, education, and home remedies are all that may be needed.

Snacking can cause cavities! (And other things that might surprise you)

by Washington Dental Service Foundation

Experts advise that eating smaller meals throughout the day can help prevent childhood obesity, but there’s a catch. Researchers now know that frequent snacking – or “grazing” – is becoming a major source of tooth decay.

Infant Crying – What’s it all about?

by Meg McNulty, Director of Outreach & Operations, Cooper House and Lisa Mennet, Ph.D., Cooper House

Is crying a learned behavior or an innate tendency? Can all crying be consoled? How can you tell if the baby’s crying is more extreme than typical crying?

Water Safety

by Heather Cooper

In Washington state, drowning is the second leading cause of unintentional injury death for children and teens age 1 to 17. So how can you keep your little ones safe? By using layers of protection while in, on or around the water.

Child Safety External Links

Child Health External Links

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