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Adjusting to Parenthood

Adjusting to Parenthood

Adjusting to Parenthood is a support group for new moms that offers additional support for adapting to parenthood's emotional changes and challenges. It offers a supportive environment in which the full range of postpartum experiences is welcomed, and the everyday realities of being a new mom are understood. 

If you could use a little extra support in addition to your PEPS Group, consider attending one of these drop-in sessions facilitated by professional therapists.

Who Attends: New Moms
Time of Day: Daytime
Cost: No fee while groups are meeting virtually.

Adjusting To Parenthood Schedule

Seattle | Every Friday 11:30 am -1 pm 
Adjusting to Parenthood meets virtually. Please join us!
The last session will be June 14. This program will have a summer hiatus and be paused until the fall. 

Facilitator: Mia Edidin, LICSW


Perinatal Support WA. Formally known as Postpartum Support International of WashingtonAdjusting to Parenthood support groups are jointly sponsored by PEPS and Perinatal Support Washington. Perinatal Support Washington hosts other support groups in various areas. Visit their website for a complete listing of options. 

Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders (PMAD) affect 15-20% of all mothers and 10% of fathers. You are not alone. Help is available. For support, call Perinatal Support Washington's Warm Line at 1-888-404-7763 (English and Spanish).

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