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Understanding Our Program Fees

Why Does PEPS Charge a Program Fee?

278 PEPS Groups met virtually

In 2023, 3,589 parents were served across 320 virtual and in-person PEPS Groups supported by more than 300 volunteers, 7 board and 17 staff.

PEPS is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that relies on a combination of fees and contributions to provide programming for thousands of parents each year.

Where Does My Money Go?

Fees and contributions pay for the programming to serve over 3,500 parents annually.

  • Group Leaders facilitate more than 185 Newborn Groups.
  • We plan for more than 300 groups each year, across our areas, responding to demand and parent feedback.
  • We reach out to parents, doctors, midwives, doulas and organizations with information about PEPS and the need for parent support.
  • We provide site-based programs, which require rented space and paid, trained leaders.
  • We partner with other organizations to offer parent support to the families they serve.
  • Each parent registration — daytime or evening — costs about the same to create, manage and evaluate. Evening groups have fewer total families, because there are more parents to manage; those groups cost more to deliver as a whole. To learn more about how we keep our Programs accessible, visit our Flexible Pricing page.
  • We train and support over 200 group leaders each year.
  • We develop curriculum for parents on self-care, perinatal mood and anxiety disorder, child development, attachment, social and racial identity development, plus mindful self-compassion and many more topics and thousands of up-to-date curated resources for leaders on topics such as feeding, child development and postpartum mood disorders.
  • We partner with Perinatal Support Washington to provide drop-in support for PEPS parents needing additional emotional support from professional therapists.
  • We track each PEPS Group’s progress week-by-week.
  • We share important local and national resources to families in formal communications like newsletters, a PEPS blog, a resource-rich website, frequent email updates and an online community.
  • We help refer parents in our programs – and those who are not – to find local resources for parenting support, such as finding programs for older children.
  • We approve and maintain a roster of guest speakers who donate their time and expertise to our groups on a variety of parenting topics.
  • We offer PEPS Community Events.
  • We evaluate our programs using the five protective factors of the Strengthening Families™ approach. Using these benchmarks to survey parents about their PEPS experience, we continuously improve our program and delivery, and respond to changing needs in our community.
  • We manage IT and our registration system, which allows PEPS to plan for groups ahead of time and helps parents choose groups based on their schedules and needs.
  • We pay for phones, technology, internet and rent for our offices and training/meeting space, and required administrative and accounting functions.

Our goal is to ensure that PEPS is available to new parents and parents of growing families when they most need it.

Your fees and contributions make that possible.

PEPS is committed to serving every family who wants to participate in a PEPS Group. Just as everybody’s financial situation is unique, so is the program fee choice that will feel right for your family. PEPS offers Flexible Pricing. If your financial situation is more complex, additional financial assistance is available. Please contact PEPS staff at for details and to apply.

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