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The best PEPS resources for While You're Waiting

We wanted to share some of the best PEPS resources for expecting and new parents.

Visit and like us on Facebook for the latest news and events. Also, look for the New PEPS Parents group on Facebook for connecting now.

PEPS Newborn Group babies (Bellevue)
PEPS Newborn Group meeting
PEPS Newborn Group babies (Bellevue)
PEPS Newborn Group (Bellevue)
Dads at Naked City Brewery
PEPS Community Events, including some just for dads
Grandparents Happy Hour Event
PEPS Grandparent Happy Hour events
  • Fussy Baby Network is one PEPS favorite local friends – call their warm line for support with a crying baby to help you calm baby and yourself and figure out how fussy your baby’s temperament is and what you can do about it.
  • Find apps that PEPS parents are using like LactMed, Love.Talk.Play,, Vroom and more for easy and fun info for baby’s development, breastfeeding and parenting.
  • Plan ahead for childcare in our area: articles and resources for PEPS on daycare, nannies and nanny shares, au pairs and babysitter.

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