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A Sense of Belonging

I feel blessed by these friendships and for the PEPS model in which everyone is heard and there is no one way to parent.

A Sense of Belonging

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PEPS groups bring new parents together to connect, share, learn and build critical support networks during the earliest days of parenting your new baby.

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- Lisa P, PEPS mom

“Hello Katie, how are you? Stand right up and we’ll clap for you!” This song, sung around our circle of tiny infants, squirmy babies, screaming toddlers, happy preschoolers, giggling 8 year olds and even, a couple of times, embarrassed teenagers, has been the anthem of our Peps group. As a Preschool teacher, I know that this name song allowed us to learn one another’s names, celebrate each child, and share a tradition. As a Mom, I feel that this song contained the key to the success of our PEPS group.

“Hello Katie” - Our PEPS friends were our closest circle of support in those early years of parenting. I knew that each family loved my child as an individual and were available to care for her, listen to me and share ideas. When Katie heard her name in that circle, she knew she belonged to a community of friends who loved her.

“How are you?” – PEPS gatherings, both when our children were infants and now as they celebrate their 21st birthdays, are a chance for us as Moms to check in, tell the truth, receive support, cry and laugh. I receive unconditional love from these women.

“Stand right up” – Katie found her first friends in PEPS, and learned what it means to be a good friend. Though she has moved on to other friendships, she brings what she learned with her “PEPS friends” with her. Seeing her Mom and Dad seek out community and faithful friends has been a wonderful role model for her.

“We’ll clap for you!” – There were tough times when the appreciation of our PEPS group seemed like a lifeline. We sang this song to welcome younger siblings of our PEPS kids, and they have felt the glow of the group, too, through family camping trips and now the occasional, Facebook contact!

I feel blessed by these friendships and for the PEPS model in which everyone is heard and there is no one way to parent. We live in different communities, come from different faith perspectives, have experienced losses and celebrated joys.

Our children have had many challenges through the years, in school, with peers and with health. But we all share a dedication to strengthening our families, knowledge that we need an encouraging community, and the special knowledge that each one of our big, talented, funny and perplexing adult children was once a beautiful, tiny infant full of special gifts and possibilities. PEPS helped us begin the process of caring for one another, and we are so thankful!”

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