Vanessa Gregory
Vanessa is a tireless Group Leader who has led 10 PEPS Groups in her neighborhood, sometimes back-to-back - all while juggling her own three small children.
She is continually building community and supporting new parents in Queen Ann/Magnolia and beyond. A member of one of the most recent groups Vanessa shared this thought about her:“A nurturing and compassionate mother of three, Vanessa's passion for parenting and for encouraging young families was apparent every time we were in her presence. Her positive energy was unwavering, and she was so affirming and supportive of each and every one of us. We knew that under Vanessa's guidance our PEPS group was a safe and welcoming space to share our joys, fears and opinions - however varied they may be. As I'm now preparing to lead my own PEPS group for the first time, I can only hope I can be for the families in my group, the supportive rock and wealth of true caring that Vanessa was for me.”
Vanessa lives with her family in Magnolia.
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