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Single Parents

At PEPS, we have been hearing from single parents that they would appreciate and benefit from connecting with other families who share their identity as someone caring for a child on their own. And, we are thrilled to be offering a parent-peer support program for single parents and caregivers!

This is a 9-week program developed specifically for local parents and caregivers caring for babies 0-12 months of age. This virtual peer-support series has been designed to assist parents in finding support and resources and building community. Each week, a discussion topic will be led by a facilitator who identifies as a single parent and is trained in inclusive facilitation. There will also be time set aside for socializing and connection.

Be sure to participate in our brief surveys to share your feedback and help this program grow!

Program Details

Who: This series is open to those who identify as a single parent or caregiver. It is open to families living in our service region with babies aged 0-12 months. Children are welcome!

What: This peer-support program will be offered as a 9-week series and will meet virtually over Zoom. There will be 8 facilitated meetings with a break in the middle for participants to gather in person if they wish. Each week will focus on a different topic for discussion, and discussion prompts will be shared weekly, with participants responding at their convenience. Up to 10 families will participate in each group. 

The PEPS curriculum has been reviewed and modified for this affinity program. Discussion topics may include:

  • Single Parenting
  • Managing Work and Family Life
  • Planning for Emergencies and Wills
  • Self-care

WhereIn the comfort of your own home! Groups will meet virtually over Zoom. Registered participants will receive a Zoom link with a password to maintain the privacy and security of the call.

When: Groups meet once a week for 9 weeks. 

Register for PEPS Single Parents

Call PEPS at (206) 547-8570 or email us at

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