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Customized PAT Groups

PEPS offers a four- and nine-week program for Parents of Adolescents and Teens (PAT) with children aged 10 – 19 years. Parents who share commonalities and affinities often have an enhanced experience when navigating the journey of parenting together.

These shared affinities can create a sense of belonging, understanding, and support, which can be incredibly valuable when facing the challenges and joys of raising teens. Whether it's language, culture, neighborhood, or shared experiences, finding common ground with other parents can help them build a sense of community and connection and shared resources. To foster this deeper connection and bonding among group members, PEPS offers customized PAT Groups in addition to PAT Groups throughout the year.

Each customized PAT Group is led by a trained facilitator and can be tailored to suit your needs and community, such as for families in the same neighborhood, school, or sports team. Groups can run for nine weeks to cover a wider range of topics and themes or for four weeks to focus on specific themes. The customized group is then available only to those receiving the private registration link and will not be open to the general public.

The program fee* for customized PAT Groups is $249 per family for a 4-week group or $399 per family for a 9-week group. The fee is the same for 1-parent or 2-parent attendance. Financial assistance is available. Please contact PEPS staff at  for details.

Interested in putting together a customized PAT Group with friends, colleagues, or with your former PEPS Group? .

*The program fee includes a non-refundable registration fee of $20. In the case of changes or cancellations, please visit our FAQs for our Cancellation and Refund Policy.

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