2022 Benefit Campaign Email Template
Sample Email
Hi Friends!
Typically this time of year we host an in-person event to raise funds to support PEPS - Program for Early Parent Support's work to connect parents & build community. This year it was too soon for an in person event but we heard so much overwhelm (and over it!) on hosting a virtual event - so we opted to run a campaign in March to raise money instead.
The last few years have been nearly impossible for parents, and I'm so proud of the way the team has adapted, pivoted and been responsive to the world & what parents need, which is to know that we are not alone in the challenges, fears and so much more. Check out this video where Gregana shares about her experience [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XbpvUwpGR94].
Please consider donating this month [donation link: https://secure.givelively.org/donate/program-for-early-parent-support/2022-peps-community-benefit], every single gift is getting matched so anything you give will have double the impact.
I really appreciate any time or support you can give!
Other Actions You Can Take:
- Share the emails we will be sending throughout March. You can forward them with a personal note encouraging them to give.
- If you are on Facebook or Instagram, share the posts with a personal anecdote or photo of your family on the PEPS pages:
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