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PEPS Notice, Waiver, and Release Form


PEPS cannot guarantee zero risk; a risk of exposure to illness & disease exists in any public setting.

PEPS participants, including leaders, speakers, or anyone in attendance at in-person programs (hereafter "Participants"), agreeing to in-person programming enter of their own will and at their own risk. By joining our programs, participants accept the risk of exposure and knowingly waive and release PEPS (including trustees, officers, directors, employees, and agents) from all liability, claims, demands, and causes of action whatsoever, including, without limitation those caused by negligence, in any way related to illness & disease. This waiver and release is binding on participants, their children, guardians, assigns, heirs, administrators, and executors, in perpetuity.

We ask for your cooperation to help protect the health and safety of our community. If engaging in in-person programming, participants must comply with all applicable laws, orders, and other directives related to infectious disease, including, without limitation, applicable testing, quarantine, and travel directives issued by the CDC, the Washington State Governor’s Office, and other public health authorities (collectively “Public Health Guidance”). In addition, participants must comply with all protocols set forth by PEPS. PEPS reserves the right to refuse or revoke participation for anyone failing to comply with our protocols or Public Health Guidance.

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