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Images: Parent Resources

Jennifer Watanabe
Jennifer Watanabe has been teaching parent education at a local community college for over ten years.
new baby
new baby in the hospital
Parent Support
Siblings hanging out, holding hands
PEPS Community Events
PEPS Community Events are for parents to continue to learn and share with others.
PEPS Newsletter
6 times a year and filled with news, resources and articles about parenting.
Highs and Lows Blog
PEPS Highs and Lows blog has tons of personal essays from PEPS parents and local experts on a wide variety of parenting topics.
PEPS Articles & Info
Find articles and resources on local activities, baby wellness, development, childcare and more from our local community.
Keep Your Group Together
We encourage you to stay connected to each other! Here are some ways.
Get the Word Out
Here are some quick and easy ways to recommend PEPS!
Offers and Opportunities
These community minded businesses and organizations generously support PEPS and they also support you on your parenting journey with these special offers and information about their services.
Women Owned, Women Operated, and Mom-Invented Since 2007
BooginHead Pacigrip
Stylish, safe, easy to use, and convenient...
One Mind Yoga
One Mind Yoga - Practice. Patience. Persistence. Purpose.
Seattles Child
Seattle's Child logo 2020
Diaper Stork
Diaper Stork logo
Diaper Stork
Diaper Stork 2020
Read PEPS stories
Read heartwarming PEPS stories
Recommend PEPS
Recommend PEPS to new and expecting parents

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